Presentation Upload
- Presentations must be uploaded by August 20th, 2024. Presentation will not be accepted after this date.
- Upload file in PowerPoint (PPT, PPT) using this filename structure:
- Abstract # – Presenting Author Last Name – First Initial.ppt (e.g., 8888-Smith-T.ppt), Date Uploaded
Podium Presentation Guidelines
Presentation Length:
All podium presentations are 6 minutes in length unless otherwise instructed. Please appreciate that strict timekeeping will be necessary in order to ensure the meeting runs to schedule.
- Introduction: To maximize efficiency, the Moderator of each podium session will introduce the session and each presentation. Please minimize introductory comments to only one slide so you can jump to the purpose of your study and the research questions.
- Presentation Upload: Podium presentations must be uploaded by August 20th, 2024. Presentations WILL NOT be accepted or edited after this date.
Presenters are required to include a disclosure slide at the start of their presentation. The disclosure slide must immediately follow your title slide.
- PowerPoint (.ppt or .pptx) in 16:9 aspect ratio is the recommended format for your presentation and the default configuration for podium presentations.
Presentation Specifications (podium guidelines)
Must be .ppt or .pptx
- Use a sans serif typeface such as Arial or Calibri.
- Text should be no smaller than 12 pt.
- Length of presentation must not exceed 6 minutes
- 16:9 aspect ratio
- In PowerPoint: File / Page Setup / On-screen Show (16:9)
- Image, audio and video files are accepted
- Acceptable file types
- Images: jpg, png, gif
- Video: avi, mp4, wmv
- Audio: mp3, wav, wma
- Do not include hyperlinks.
- Embed all multimedia files in your PowerPoint document.
Short Talk Presentation Guidelines
- For the Short Talks, presenters will give a 3 minute slide presentation focusing on methodology and interpretation of results at one of our presentation kiosks. Each kiosk will have a PC laptop and a large format video display (landscape orientation). Following each Short Talk, there will be a 3 minute moderated discussion with audience participation.
- Please appreciate that strict timekeeping will be necessary in order to ensure the meeting runs to schedule.
- Short Talk presenters are required to include a disclosure slide immediately following their title slide.
Presentation Upload:
Presentations must be uploaded August 20th, 2024 and will not be accepted/edited after this date.
Presentation Specifications (Short Talk)
- Must be .ppt or .pptx
- Use a sans serif typeface such as Arial or Calibri.
- Text should be no smaller than 12 pt.
- Length of presentation must not exceed 3 minutes (5-7 slides max)
- 16:9 aspect ratio
- In PowerPoint: File / Page Setup / On-screen Show (16:9)
- Image, audio and video files are accepted
- Acceptable file types
- Images: jpg, png, gif
- Video: avi, mp4, wmv
- Audio: mp3, wav, wma
- Do not include hyperlinks.
- Embed all multimedia files in your PowerPoint document.
E-Poster Presentation Guidelines
General Requirements
- E-Posters consist of multiple slides (Max:7) in PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX).
- Language: English.
- Use a sans serif typeface such as Arial or Calibri.
- Font size: 12 points or larger.
- Orientation: Please create your document in Landscape Layout. Ratio 16:9
- Do Not password-protect your file or encrypt it.
- When inserting images, photos, tables, etc., use copy-paste. Do not use embedded documents.
- Images and tables: at least 200 dpi resolution. Good picture quality is essential.
- Not permitted: QR codes, animated images, animations or embedded videos.
- Do not overlap layers or objects . Only the final view will be visible.
- Apple Macintosh users: do not use “drag-and-drop” to insert pictures into PowerPoint files. Instead, use the INSERT command from the menu bar.
- File Size: Less than 16 Megabytes.
- Keep it simple!
Submission Specifications
- E-poster submission must be received by August 20th, 2024 and will not be accepted or edited after this date.
E-Poster Kiosk Hardware
- PC laptop and a large format video display (landscape orientation)
Physical Poster Guidelines
We recommend that your posters be 42 inches in height by 45 inches in width. The overall poster board is 96 inches horizontal length by 48 inches vertical height but there will be two posters on each side of the board. It is also suggested that you provide the presenter’s email address on the poster so others can get in touch with you during the conference. Push tacks will be provided so no need to bring anything but your physical poster with you to the meeting.
It is expected that you will be present at your poster during break times and poster viewing times as per the Congress Schedule.