For information on submitting an award paper for this year’s Annual Congress, see our Award Papers page.
Lifetime Achievement Award 2025
The ISTA Lifetime Achievement Award honors an outstanding individual whose life’s work has significantly contributed to the advancement of the art and science of joint arthroplasty. Typically, there will have been a sustained and widely disseminated output over several decades, such that the individual is recognized as an authority in the field.
Year | Lifetime Achievement Award Recipients |
2024 | Dr Leo Whiteside, MD – USA |
2023 | Tim Wright, MD/PhD – USA |
2022 | William H. Harris, MD – USA |
2019 | Harry McKellop, PhD – USA |
2018 | Harlan Amstutz, MD – USA |
2017 | A. Seth Greenwald, DPhil Oxon – USA |
2016 | Jorge Galante, MD – USA |
2015 | Brian Davies, PhD – UK |
2014 | Hiroshi Kudo, MD, PhD – Japan |
2013 | Thomas P. Andriacchi, PhD – USA |
2012 | Georg Bergmann, PhD – Germany |
2011 | Anthony Unsworth, PhD – UK |
2010 | Robin Ling, MD – UK |
2009 | Clifford Colwell Jr., MD – USA |
2008 | John Paul, PhD – UK |
2007 | Laurent Sedel, MD – France |
2006 | Albert Burstein, PhD – USA |
2005 | Hironobu Oonishi, MD – Japan |
2004 | Peter S. Walker, PhD – USA |
2003 | Takao Yamamuro, MD – Japan |
2002 | Michael Freeman, MD – UK |
2001 | Chitranjan Ranawat, MD – USA |
HAP Paul Award

Howard A (HAP) Paul, DVM, was a cross-disciplinary pioneer of surgical robotics and a founding member of ISTA. His insatiable curiosity combined with a quick mind and a surgeon’s practicality helped lead to the landmark use of a robotic device in human hip replacement surgery in 1992. HAP passed away at the young age of 44, but his contributions to our field continue to be built upon today. The HAP Paul Award is presented to an individual who has produced original work on the science and technology of arthroplasty which is likely to have an important impact on the field in the future.